
Inherits: PanelContainer < Container < Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Godot editor's script editor.


Godot editor's script editor.

Note: This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using EditorInterface.get_script_editor.



editor_script_changed ( Script script )

Emitted when user changed active script. Argument is a freshly activated Script.

script_close ( Script script )

Emitted when editor is about to close the active script. Argument is a Script that is going to be closed.

Method Descriptions

ScriptEditorBase get_current_editor ( ) const

Returns the ScriptEditorBase object that the user is currently editing.

Script get_current_script ( )

Returns a Script that is currently active in editor.

ScriptEditorBase[] get_open_script_editors ( ) const

Returns an array with all ScriptEditorBase objects which are currently open in editor.

Script[] get_open_scripts ( ) const

Returns an array with all Script objects which are currently open in editor.

void goto_line ( int line_number )

Goes to the specified line in the current script.

void open_script_create_dialog ( String base_name, String base_path )

Opens the script create dialog. The script will extend base_name. The file extension can be omitted from base_path. It will be added based on the selected scripting language.

void register_syntax_highlighter ( EditorSyntaxHighlighter syntax_highlighter )

Registers the EditorSyntaxHighlighter to the editor, the EditorSyntaxHighlighter will be available on all open scripts.

Note: Does not apply to scripts that are already opened.

void unregister_syntax_highlighter ( EditorSyntaxHighlighter syntax_highlighter )

Unregisters the EditorSyntaxHighlighter from the editor.

Note: The EditorSyntaxHighlighter will still be applied to scripts that are already opened.