Inherits: Texture2D < Texture < Resource < RefCounted < Object
A 2D texture that creates a pattern with colors obtained from a Gradient.
A 2D texture that obtains colors from a Gradient to fill the texture data. This texture is able to transform a color transition into different patterns such as a linear or a radial gradient. The gradient is sampled individually for each pixel so it does not necessarily represent an exact copy of the gradient(see width and height). See also GradientTexture1D, CurveTexture and CurveXYZTexture.
enum Fill:
The colors are linearly interpolated in a straight line.
The colors are linearly interpolated in a circular pattern.
The colors are linearly interpolated in a square pattern.
enum Repeat:
Repeat REPEAT_NONE = 0
The gradient fill is restricted to the range defined by fill_from to fill_to offsets.
Repeat REPEAT = 1
The texture is filled starting from fill_from to fill_to offsets, repeating the same pattern in both directions.
The texture is filled starting from fill_from to fill_to offsets, mirroring the pattern in both directions.
Property Descriptions¶
Fill fill = 0
The gradient fill type, one of the Fill values. The texture is filled by interpolating colors starting from fill_from to fill_to offsets.
Vector2 fill_from = Vector2(0, 0)
The initial offset used to fill the texture specified in UV coordinates.
Vector2 fill_to = Vector2(1, 0)
The final offset used to fill the texture specified in UV coordinates.
Gradient gradient
The Gradient used to fill the texture.
int height = 64
The number of vertical color samples that will be obtained from the Gradient, which also represents the texture's height.
Repeat repeat = 0
The gradient repeat type, one of the Repeat values. The texture is filled starting from fill_from to fill_to offsets by default, but the gradient fill can be repeated to cover the entire texture.
bool use_hdr = false
If true
, the generated texture will support high dynamic range (Image.FORMAT_RGBAF format). This allows for glow effects to work if Environment.glow_enabled is true
. If false
, the generated texture will use low dynamic range; overbright colors will be clamped (Image.FORMAT_RGBA8 format).
int width = 64
The number of horizontal color samples that will be obtained from the Gradient, which also represents the texture's width.