
Inherits: AudioStream < Resource < RefCounted < Object

Wraps a pool of audio streams with pitch and volume shifting.


Picks a random AudioStream from the pool, depending on the playback mode, and applies random pitch shifting and volume shifting during playback.




add_stream ( int index, AudioStream stream, float weight=1.0 )


get_stream ( int index ) const


get_stream_probability_weight ( int index ) const


move_stream ( int index_from, int index_to )


remove_stream ( int index )


set_stream ( int index, AudioStream stream )


set_stream_probability_weight ( int index, float weight )


enum PlaybackMode:


Pick a stream at random according to the probability weights chosen for each stream, but avoid playing the same stream twice in a row whenever possible. If only 1 sound is present in the pool, the same sound will always play, effectively allowing repeats to occur.

PlaybackMode PLAYBACK_RANDOM = 1

Pick a stream at random according to the probability weights chosen for each stream. If only 1 sound is present in the pool, the same sound will always play.


Play streams in the order they appear in the stream pool. If only 1 sound is present in the pool, the same sound will always play.

Property Descriptions

PlaybackMode playback_mode = 0

Controls how this AudioStreamRandomizer picks which AudioStream to play next.

float random_pitch = 1.0

  • void set_random_pitch ( float value )

  • float get_random_pitch ( )

The intensity of random pitch variation. A value of 1 means no variation.

float random_volume_offset_db = 0.0

  • void set_random_volume_offset_db ( float value )

  • float get_random_volume_offset_db ( )

The intensity of random volume variation. A value of 0 means no variation.

int streams_count = 0

  • void set_streams_count ( int value )

  • int get_streams_count ( )

The number of streams in the stream pool.

Method Descriptions

void add_stream ( int index, AudioStream stream, float weight=1.0 )

Insert a stream at the specified index. If the index is less than zero, the insertion occurs at the end of the underlying pool.

AudioStream get_stream ( int index ) const

Returns the stream at the specified index.

float get_stream_probability_weight ( int index ) const

Returns the probability weight associated with the stream at the given index.

void move_stream ( int index_from, int index_to )

Move a stream from one index to another.

void remove_stream ( int index )

Remove the stream at the specified index.

void set_stream ( int index, AudioStream stream )

Set the AudioStream at the specified index.

void set_stream_probability_weight ( int index, float weight )

Set the probability weight of the stream at the specified index. The higher this value, the more likely that the randomizer will choose this stream during random playback modes.