
Inherits: GeometryInstance3D < VisualInstance3D < Node3D < Node < Object

A node for displaying plain text in 3D space.


A node for displaying plain text in 3D space. By adjusting various properties of this node, you can configure things such as the text's appearance and whether it always faces the camera.





enum DrawFlags:

DrawFlags FLAG_SHADED = 0

If set, lights in the environment affect the label.


If set, text can be seen from the back as well. If not, the text is invisible when looking at it from behind.


Disables the depth test, so this object is drawn on top of all others. However, objects drawn after it in the draw order may cover it.


Label is scaled by depth so that it always appears the same size on screen.

DrawFlags FLAG_MAX = 4

Represents the size of the DrawFlags enum.

enum AlphaCutMode:


This mode performs standard alpha blending. It can display translucent areas, but transparency sorting issues may be visible when multiple transparent materials are overlapping. GeometryInstance3D.cast_shadow has no effect when this transparency mode is used; the Label3D will never cast shadows.


This mode only allows fully transparent or fully opaque pixels. Harsh edges will be visible unless some form of screen-space antialiasing is enabled (see ProjectSettings.rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/screen_space_aa). This mode is also known as alpha testing or 1-bit transparency.

Note: This mode might have issues with anti-aliased fonts and outlines, try adjusting alpha_scissor_threshold or using MSDF font.

Note: When using text with overlapping glyphs (e.g., cursive scripts), this mode might have transparency sorting issues between the main text and the outline.


This mode draws fully opaque pixels in the depth prepass. This is slower than ALPHA_CUT_DISABLED or ALPHA_CUT_DISCARD, but it allows displaying translucent areas and smooth edges while using proper sorting.

Note: When using text with overlapping glyphs (e.g., cursive scripts), this mode might have transparency sorting issues between the main text and the outline.

AlphaCutMode ALPHA_CUT_HASH = 3

This mode draws cuts off all values below a spatially-deterministic threshold, the rest will remain opaque.

Property Descriptions

float alpha_antialiasing_edge = 0.0

  • void set_alpha_antialiasing_edge ( float value )

  • float get_alpha_antialiasing_edge ( )

Threshold at which antialiasing will be applied on the alpha channel.

AlphaAntiAliasing alpha_antialiasing_mode = 0

The type of alpha antialiasing to apply. See AlphaAntiAliasing.

AlphaCutMode alpha_cut = 0

The alpha cutting mode to use for the sprite. See AlphaCutMode for possible values.

float alpha_hash_scale = 1.0

  • void set_alpha_hash_scale ( float value )

  • float get_alpha_hash_scale ( )

The hashing scale for Alpha Hash. Recommended values between 0 and 2.

float alpha_scissor_threshold = 0.5

  • void set_alpha_scissor_threshold ( float value )

  • float get_alpha_scissor_threshold ( )

Threshold at which the alpha scissor will discard values.

AutowrapMode autowrap_mode = 0

If set to something other than TextServer.AUTOWRAP_OFF, the text gets wrapped inside the node's bounding rectangle. If you resize the node, it will change its height automatically to show all the text. To see how each mode behaves, see AutowrapMode.

BillboardMode billboard = 0

The billboard mode to use for the label. See BillboardMode for possible values.

bool double_sided = true

If true, text can be seen from the back as well, if false, it is invisible when looking at it from behind.

bool fixed_size = false

If true, the label is rendered at the same size regardless of distance.

Font font

  • void set_font ( Font value )

  • Font get_font ( )

Font configuration used to display text.

int font_size = 32

  • void set_font_size ( int value )

  • int get_font_size ( )

Font size of the Label3D's text. To make the font look more detailed when up close, increase font_size while decreasing pixel_size at the same time.

Higher font sizes require more time to render new characters, which can cause stuttering during gameplay.

HorizontalAlignment horizontal_alignment = 1

Controls the text's horizontal alignment. Supports left, center, right, and fill, or justify. Set it to one of the HorizontalAlignment constants.

BitField<JustificationFlag> justification_flags = 163

Line fill alignment rules. For more info see JustificationFlag.

String language = ""

  • void set_language ( String value )

  • String get_language ( )

Language code used for line-breaking and text shaping algorithms, if left empty current locale is used instead.

float line_spacing = 0.0

  • void set_line_spacing ( float value )

  • float get_line_spacing ( )

Vertical space between lines in multiline Label3D.

Color modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)

  • void set_modulate ( Color value )

  • Color get_modulate ( )

Text Color of the Label3D.

bool no_depth_test = false

If true, depth testing is disabled and the object will be drawn in render order.

Vector2 offset = Vector2(0, 0)

The text drawing offset (in pixels).

Color outline_modulate = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)

  • void set_outline_modulate ( Color value )

  • Color get_outline_modulate ( )

The tint of text outline.

int outline_render_priority = -1

  • void set_outline_render_priority ( int value )

  • int get_outline_render_priority ( )

Sets the render priority for the text outline. Higher priority objects will be sorted in front of lower priority objects.

Note: This only applies if alpha_cut is set to ALPHA_CUT_DISABLED (default value).

Note: This only applies to sorting of transparent objects. This will not impact how transparent objects are sorted relative to opaque objects. This is because opaque objects are not sorted, while transparent objects are sorted from back to front (subject to priority).

int outline_size = 12

  • void set_outline_size ( int value )

  • int get_outline_size ( )

Text outline size.

float pixel_size = 0.005

  • void set_pixel_size ( float value )

  • float get_pixel_size ( )

The size of one pixel's width on the label to scale it in 3D. To make the font look more detailed when up close, increase font_size while decreasing pixel_size at the same time.

int render_priority = 0

  • void set_render_priority ( int value )

  • int get_render_priority ( )

Sets the render priority for the text. Higher priority objects will be sorted in front of lower priority objects.

Note: This only applies if alpha_cut is set to ALPHA_CUT_DISABLED (default value).

Note: This only applies to sorting of transparent objects. This will not impact how transparent objects are sorted relative to opaque objects. This is because opaque objects are not sorted, while transparent objects are sorted from back to front (subject to priority).

bool shaded = false

If true, the Light3D in the Environment has effects on the label.

StructuredTextParser structured_text_bidi_override = 0

Set BiDi algorithm override for the structured text.

Array structured_text_bidi_override_options = []

  • void set_structured_text_bidi_override_options ( Array value )

  • Array get_structured_text_bidi_override_options ( )

Set additional options for BiDi override.

String text = ""

The text to display on screen.

Direction text_direction = 0

Base text writing direction.

TextureFilter texture_filter = 3

Filter flags for the texture. See TextureFilter for options.

bool uppercase = false

  • void set_uppercase ( bool value )

  • bool is_uppercase ( )

If true, all the text displays as UPPERCASE.

VerticalAlignment vertical_alignment = 1

Controls the text's vertical alignment. Supports top, center, bottom. Set it to one of the VerticalAlignment constants.

float width = 500.0

  • void set_width ( float value )

  • float get_width ( )

Text width (in pixels), used for autowrap and fill alignment.

Method Descriptions

TriangleMesh generate_triangle_mesh ( ) const

Returns a TriangleMesh with the label's vertices following its current configuration (such as its pixel_size).

bool get_draw_flag ( DrawFlags flag ) const

Returns the value of the specified flag.

void set_draw_flag ( DrawFlags flag, bool enabled )

If true, the specified flag will be enabled. See DrawFlags for a list of flags.