Using TileMaps

See also

This page assumes you have created or downloaded a TileSet already. If not, please read Using TileSets first as you will need a TileSet to create a TileMap.


A tilemap is a grid of tiles used to create a game's layout. There are several benefits to using TileMap nodes to design your levels. First, they make it possible to draw the layout by "painting" the tiles onto a grid, which is much faster than placing individual Sprite2D nodes one by one. Second, they allow for much larger levels because they are optimized for drawing large numbers of tiles. Finally, you can add collision, occlusion, and navigation shapes to tiles, adding greater functionality to the TileMap.


Godot 4.0 has moved several per-tile properties, such as tile rotation, from TileMap to TileSet. Individual tiles can no longer be rotated while in the TileMap editor. Instead, the TileSet editor must be used to create alternative rotated tiles.

This change allows for greater design consistency, as not every tile needs to be rotated or flipped within a TileSet.

Specifying the TileSet in the TileMap

If you've followed the previous page on Using TileSets, you should have a TileSet resource that is built-in to the TileMap node. This is good for prototyping, but in a real world project, you will generally have multiple levels reusing the same tileset.

The recommended way to reuse the same TileSet in several TileMap nodes is to save the TileSet to an external resource. To do so, click the dropdown next to the TileSet resource and choose Save:

Saving the built-in TileSet resource to an external resource file

Saving the built-in TileSet resource to an external resource file

Creating TileMap layers

As of Godot 4.0, you can place several layers in a single TileMap node. For example, this allows you to distinguish foreground tiles from background tiles for better organization. You can place one tile per layer at a given location, which allows you to overlap several tiles together if you have more than one layer.

By default, a TileMap node automatically has one premade layer. You do not have to create additional layers if you only need a single layer, but if you wish to do so now, select the TileMap node and unfold the Layers section in the inspector:

Creating layers in a TileMap node (example with "background" and "foreground")

Creating layers in a TileMap node (example with "background" and "foreground")

Each layer has several properties you can adjust:

  • Name: A human-readable name to display in the TileMap editor. This can be something like "background", "buildings", "vegetation", etc.

  • Enabled: If true, the layer is visible in the editor and when running the project.

  • Modulate: The color to use as a multiplier for all tiles on the layer. This is also multiplied with the per-tile Modulate property and the TileMap node's Modulate property. For example, you can use this to darken background tiles to make foreground tiles stand out more.

  • Y Sort Enabled: If true, sorts tiles based on their Y position on the TileMap. This can be used to prevent sorting issues with certain tile setups, especially with isometric tiles.

  • Y Sort Origin: The vertical offset to use for Y-sorting on each tile (in pixels). Only effective if Y Sort Enabled is true.

  • Z Index: Controls whether this layer is drawn in front of or behind other TileMap layers. This value can be positive or negative; the layer with the highest Z Index is drawn on top of other layers. If several layers have an equal Z Index property, the layer that is last in the list of layers (the one which appears at the bottom in the list) is drawn on top.

You can reorder layers by drag-and-dropping the "three horizontal bars" icon on the left of the entries in the Layers section.


You can create, rename or reorder layers in the future without affecting existing tiles. Be careful though, as removing a layer will also remove all tiles that were placed on the layer.

Opening the TileMap editor

Select the TileMap node, then open the TileMap panel at the bottom of the editor:

Opening the TileMap panel at the bottom of the editor. The TileMap node must be selected first.

Opening the TileMap panel at the bottom of the editor. The TileMap node must be selected first.

Selecting tiles to use for painting

First, if you've created additional layers above, make sure you've selected the layer you wish to paint on:

Selecting a layer to paint on in the TileMap editor

Selecting a layer to paint on in the TileMap editor


In the 2D editor, the layers you aren't currently editing from the same TileMap node will appear grayed out while in the TileMap editor. You can disable this behavior by clicking the icon next to the layer selection menu (Highlight Selected TileMap Layer tooltip).

You can skip the above step if you haven't created additional layers, as the first layer is automatically selected when entering the TileMap editor.

Before you can place tiles in the 2D editor, you must select one or more tiles in the TileMap panel located at the bottom of the editor. To do so, click a tile in the TileMap panel, or hold down the mouse button to select multiple tiles:

Selecting a tile in the TileMap editor by clicking it

Selecting a tile in the TileMap editor by clicking it


Like in the 2D and TileSet editors, you can pan across the TileMap panel using the middle or right mouse buttons, and zoom using the mouse wheel or buttons in the top-left corner.

You can also hold down Shift to append to the current selection. When selecting more than one tile, multiple tiles will be placed every time you perform a painting operation. This can be used to paint structures composed of multiple tiles in a single click (such as large platforms or trees).

The final selection does not have to be contiguous: if there is empty space between selected tiles, it will be left empty in the pattern that will be painted in the 2D editor.

Selecting multiple tiles in the TileMap editor by holding down the left mouse button

Selecting multiple tiles in the TileMap editor by holding down the left mouse button

If you've created alternative tiles in your TileSet, you can select them for painting on the right of the base tiles:

Selecting an alternative tile in the TileMap editor

Selecting an alternative tile in the TileMap editor

Lastly, if you've created a scenes collection in the TileSet, you can place scene tiles in the TileMap:

Placing a scene tile containing particles using the TileMap editor

Placing a scene tile containing particles using the TileMap editor

Painting modes and tools

Using the toolbar at the top of the TileMap editor, you can choose between several painting modes and tools. These modes affect operation when clicking in the 2D editor, not the TileMap panel itself.

From left to right, the painting modes and tools you can choose are:


Select tiles by clicking a single tile, or by holding down the left mouse button to select multiple with a rectangle in the 2D editor. Note that empty space cannot be selected: if you create a rectangle selection, only non-empty tiles will be selected.

To append to the current selection, hold Shift then select a tile. To remove from the current selection, hold Ctrl then select a tile.

The selection can then be used in any other painting mode to quickly create copies of an already-placed pattern.

While in Selection mode, you can't place new tiles, but you can still erase tiles by right-clicking after making a selection. The whole selection will be erased, regardless of where you click in the selection.

You can toggle this mode temporarily while in Paint mode by holding Ctrl then performing a selection.


You can copy and paste tiles that were already placed by performing a selection, pressing Ctrl + C then pressing Ctrl + V. The selection will be pasted after left-clicking. You can press Ctrl + V another time to perform more copies this way. Right-click or press Escape to cancel pasting.


The standard Paint mode allows you to place tiles by clicking or holding down the left mouse button.

If you right-click, the currently selected tile will be erased from the tilemap. In other words, it will be replaced by empty space.

If you have selected multiple tiles in the TileMap or using the Selection tool, they will be placed every time you click or drag the mouse while holding down the left mouse button.


While in Paint mode, you can draw a line by holding Shift before holding down the left mouse button, then dragging the mouse to the line's end point. This is identical to using the Line tool described below.

You can also draw a rectangle by holding Ctrl and Shift before holding down the left mouse button, then dragging the mouse to the rectangle's end point. This is identical to using the Rectangle tool described below.

Lastly, you can pick existing tiles in the 2D editor by holding Ctrl then clicking on a tile (or holding and dragging the mouse). This will switch the currently painted tile(s) to the tile(s) you've just clicked. This is identical to using the Picker tool described below.


After selecting Line Paint mode, you can draw in a line that is always 1 tile thick (no matter its orientation).

If you right-click while in Line Paint mode, you will erase in a line.

If you have selected multiple tiles in the TileMap or using the Selection tool, you can place them in a repeating pattern across th