
Inherits: AudioEffect < Resource < RefCounted < Object

An audio effect that can be used to adjust the intensity of stereo panning.


An audio effect that can be used to adjust the intensity of stereo panning.



Property Descriptions

float pan_pullout = 1.0

  • void set_pan_pullout ( float value )

  • float get_pan_pullout ( )

Values greater than 1.0 increase intensity of any panning on audio passing through this effect, whereas values less than 1.0 will decrease the panning intensity. A value of 0.0 will downmix audio to mono.

float surround = 0.0

  • void set_surround ( float value )

  • float get_surround ( )

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

float time_pullout_ms = 0.0

  • void set_time_pullout ( float value )

  • float get_time_pullout ( )

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!