
A 4D vector using floating point coordinates.


A 4-element structure that can be used to represent 4D coordinates or any other quadruplet of numeric values.

It uses floating-point coordinates. By default, these floating-point values use 32-bit precision, unlike float which is always 64-bit. If double precision is needed, compile the engine with the option precision=double.

See Vector4i for its integer counterpart.

Note: In a boolean context, a Vector4 will evaluate to false if it's equal to Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0). Otherwise, a Vector4 will always evaluate to true.

















abs ( ) const


ceil ( ) const


clamp ( Vector4 min, Vector4 max ) const


cubic_interpolate ( Vector4 b, Vector4 pre_a, Vector4 post_b, float weight ) const


cubic_interpolate_in_time ( Vector4 b, Vector4 pre_a, Vector4 post_b, float weight, float b_t, float pre_a_t, float post_b_t ) const


direction_to ( Vector4 to ) const


distance_squared_to ( Vector4 to ) const


distance_to ( Vector4 to ) const


dot ( Vector4 with ) const


floor ( ) const


inverse ( ) const


is_equal_approx ( Vector4 to ) const


is_finite ( ) const


is_normalized ( ) const


is_zero_approx ( ) const


length ( ) const


length_squared ( ) const


lerp ( Vector4 to, float weight ) const


max_axis_index ( ) const


min_axis_index ( ) const


normalized ( ) const


posmod ( float mod ) const


posmodv ( Vector4 modv ) const


round ( ) const


sign ( ) const


snapped ( Vector4 step ) const



AXIS_X = 0

Enumerated value for the X axis. Returned by max_axis_index and min_axis_index.

AXIS_Y = 1

Enumerated value for the Y axis. Returned by max_axis_index and min_axis_index.

AXIS_Z = 2

Enumerated value for the Z axis. Returned by max_axis_index and min_axis_index.

AXIS_W = 3

Enumerated value for the W axis. Returned by max_axis_index and min_axis_index.

ZERO = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0)

Zero vector, a vector with all components set to 0.

ONE = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)

One vector, a vector with all components set to 1.

INF = Vector4(inf, inf, inf, inf)

Infinity vector, a vector with all components set to @GDScript.INF.

Property Descriptions

float w = 0.0

The vector's W component. Also accessible by using the index position [3].

float x = 0.0

The vector's X component. Also accessible by using the index position [0].

float y = 0.0

The vector's Y component. Also accessible by using the index position [1].

float z = 0.0

The vector's Z component. Also accessible by using the index position [2].

Constructor Descriptions

Vector4 Vector4 ( )

Constructs a default-initialized Vector4 with all components set to 0.

Vector4 Vector4 ( Vector4 from )

Constructs a Vector4 as a copy of the given Vector4.

Vector4 Vector4 ( Vector4i from )

Constructs a new Vector4 from the given Vector4i.

Vector4 Vector4 ( float x, float y, float z, float w )

Returns a Vector4 with the given components.

Method Descriptions

Vector4 abs ( ) const

Returns a new vector with all components in absolute values (i.e. positive).

Vector4 ceil ( ) const

Returns a new vector with all components rounded up (towards positive infinity).

Vector4 clamp ( Vector4 min, Vector4 max ) const

Returns a new vector with all components clamped between the components of min and max, by running @GlobalScope.clamp on each component.

Vector4 cubic_interpolate ( Vector4 b, Vector4 pre_a, Vector4 post_b, float weight ) const

Performs a cubic interpolation between this vector and b using pre_a and post_b as handles, and returns the result at position weight. weight is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation.

Vector4 cubic_interpolate_in_time ( Vector4 b, Vector4 pre_a, Vector4 post_b, float weight, float b_t, float pre_a_t, float post_b_t ) const

Performs a cubic interpolation between this vector and b using pre_a and post_b as handles, and returns the result at position weight. weight is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation.

It can perform smoother interpolation than cubic_interpolate() by the time values.

Vector4 direction_to ( Vector4 to ) const

Returns the normalized vector pointing from this vector to to. This is equivalent to using (b - a).normalized().

float distance_squared_to ( Vector4 to ) const

Returns the squared distance between this vector and to.

This method runs faster than distance_to, so prefer it if you need to compare vectors or need the squared distance for some formula.

float distance_to ( Vector4 to ) const

Returns the distance between this vector and to.

float dot ( Vector4 with ) const

Returns the dot product of this vector and with.

Vector4 floor ( ) const

Returns a new vector with all components rounded down (towards negative infinity).

Vector4 inverse ( ) const

Returns the inverse of the vector. This is the same as Vector4(1.0 / v.x, 1.0 / v.y, 1.0 / v.z, 1.0 / v.w).

bool is_equal_approx ( Vector4 to ) const

Returns true if this vector and to are approximately equal, by running @GlobalScope.is_equal_approx on each component.

bool is_finite ( ) const

Returns true if this vector is finite, by calling @GlobalScope.is_finite on each component.

bool is_normalized ( ) const

Returns true if the vector is normalized, i.e. its length is approximately equal to 1.

bool is_zero_approx ( ) const

Returns true if this vector's values are approximately zero, by running @GlobalScope.is_zero_approx on each component.

This method is faster than using is_equal_approx with one value as a zero vector.

float length ( ) const

Returns the length (magnitude) of this vector.

float length_squared ( ) const

Returns the squared length (squared magnitude) of this vector.

This method runs faster than length, so prefer it if you need to compare vectors or need the squared distance for some formula.

Vector4 lerp ( Vector4 to, float weight ) const

Returns the result of the linear interpolation between this vector and to by amount weight. weight is on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation.

int max_axis_index ( ) const

Returns the axis of the vector's highest value. See AXIS_* constants. If all components are equal, this method returns AXIS_X.

int min_axis_index ( ) const

Returns the axis of the vector's lowest value. See AXIS_* constants. If all components are equal, this method returns AXIS_W.

Vector4 normalized ( ) const

Returns the result of scaling the vector to unit length. Equivalent to v / v.length(). See also is_normalized.

Note: This function may return incorrect values if the input vector length is near zero.

Vector4 posmod ( float mod ) const

Returns a vector composed of the @GlobalScope.fposmod of this vector's components and mod.

Vector4 posmodv ( Vector4 modv ) const

Returns a vector composed of the @GlobalScope.fposmod of this vector's components and modv's components.

Vector4 round ( ) const

Returns a new vector with all components rounded to the nearest integer, with halfway cases rounded away from zero.

Vector4 sign ( ) const

Returns a new vector with each component set to 1.0 if it's positive, -1.0 if it's negative, and 0.0 if it's zero. The result is identical to calling @GlobalScope.sign on each component.

Vector4 snapped ( Vector4 step ) const

Returns a new vector with each component snapped to the nearest multiple of the corresponding component in step. This can also be used to round the components to an arbitrary number of decimals.

Operator Descriptions

bool operator != ( Vector4 right )

Returns true if the vectors are not equal.

Note: Due to floating-point precision errors, consider using is_equal_approx instead, which is more reliable.

Note: Vectors with @GDScript.NAN elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this operator may not be accurate if NaNs are included.

Vector4 operator * ( Projection right )

Inversely transforms (multiplies) the Vector4 by the given Projection matrix.

Vector4 operator * ( Vector4 right )

Multiplies each component of the Vector4 by the components of the given Vector4.

print(Vector4(10, 20, 30, 40) * Vector4(3, 4, 5, 6)) # Prints "(30, 80, 150, 240)"

Vector4 operator * ( float right )

Multiplies each component of the Vector4 by the given float.

print(Vector4(10, 20, 30, 40) * 2) # Prints "(20, 40, 60, 80)"

Vector4 operator * ( int right )

Multiplies each component of the Vector4 by the given int.

Vector4 operator + ( Vector4 right )

Adds each component of the Vector4 by the components of the given Vector4.

print(Vector4(10, 20, 30, 40) + Vector4(3, 4, 5, 6)) # Prints "(13, 24, 35, 46)"

Vector4 operator - ( Vector4 right )

Subtracts each component of the Vector4 by the components of the given Vector4.

print(Vector4(10, 20, 30, 40) - Vector4(3, 4, 5, 6)) # Prints "(7, 16, 25, 34)"

Vector4 operator / ( Vector4 right )

Divides each component of the Vector4 by the components of the given Vector4.

print(Vector4(10, 20, 30, 40) / Vector4(2, 5, 3, 4)) # Prints "(5, 4, 10, 10)"

Vector4 operator / ( float right )

Divides each component of the Vector4 by the given float.

print(Vector4(10, 20, 30, 40) / 2 # Prints "(5, 10, 15, 20)"

Vector4 operator / ( int right )

Divides each component of the Vector4 by the given int.

bool operator < ( Vector4 right )

Compares two Vector4 vectors by first checking if the X value of the left vector is less than the X value of the right vector. If the X values are exactly equal, then it repeats this check with the Y values of the two vectors, Z values of the two vectors, and then with the W values. This operator is useful for sorting vectors.

Note: Vectors with @GDScript.NAN elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this operator may not be accurate if NaNs are included.

bool operator <= ( Vector4 right )

Compares two Vector4 vectors by first checking if the X value of the left vector is less than or equal to the X value of the right vector. If the X values are exactly equal, then it repeats this check with the Y values of the two vectors, Z values of the two vectors, and then with the W values. This operator is useful for sorting vectors.

Note: Vectors with @GDScript.NAN elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this operator may not be accurate if NaNs are included.

bool operator == ( Vector4 right )

Returns true if the vectors are exactly equal.

Note: Due to floating-point precision errors, consider using is_equal_approx instead, which is more reliable.

Note: Vectors with @GDScript.NAN elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this operator may not be accurate if NaNs are included.

bool operator > ( Vector4 right )

Compares two Vector4 vectors by first checking if the X value of the left vector is greater than the X value of the right vector. If the X values are exactly equal, then it repeats this check with the Y values of the two vectors, Z values of the two vectors, and then with the W values. This operator is useful for sorting vectors.

Note: Vectors with @GDScript.NAN elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this operator may not be accurate if NaNs are included.

bool operator >= ( Vector4 right )

Compares two Vector4 vectors by first checking if the X value of the left vector is greater than or equal to the X value of the right vector. If the X values are exactly equal, then it repeats this check with the Y values of the two vectors, Z values of the two vectors, and then with the W values. This operator is useful for sorting vectors.

Note: Vectors with @GDScript.NAN elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this operator may not be accurate if NaNs are included.

float operator [] ( int index )

Access vector components using their index. v[0] is equivalent to v.x, v[1] is equivalent to v.y, v[2] is equivalent to v.z, and v[3] is equivalent to v.w.

Vector4 operator unary+ ( )

Returns the same value as if the + was not there. Unary + does nothing, but sometimes it can make your code more readable.

Vector4 operator unary- ( )

Returns the negative value of the Vector4. This is the same as writing Vector4(-v.x, -v.y, -v.z, -v.w). This operation flips the direction of the vector while keeping the same magnitude. With floats, the number zero can be either positive or negative.