
Inherits: VisualShaderNodeParameter < VisualShaderNode < Resource < RefCounted < Object

A visual shader node for shader parameter (uniform) of type int.


A VisualShaderNodeParameter of type int. Offers additional customization for range of accepted values.



enum Hint:

Hint HINT_NONE = 0

The parameter will not constrain its value.


The parameter's value must be within the specified min/max range.


The parameter's value must be within the specified range, with the given step between values.

Hint HINT_MAX = 3

Represents the size of the Hint enum.

Property Descriptions

int default_value = 0

  • void set_default_value ( int value )

  • int get_default_value ( )

Default value of this parameter, which will be used if not set externally. default_value_enabled must be enabled; defaults to 0 otherwise.

bool default_value_enabled = false

  • void set_default_value_enabled ( bool value )

  • bool is_default_value_enabled ( )

If true, the node will have a custom default value.

Hint hint = 0

  • void set_hint ( Hint value )

  • Hint get_hint ( )

Range hint of this node. Use it to customize valid parameter range.

int max = 100

  • void set_max ( int value )

  • int get_max ( )

The maximum value this parameter can take. hint must be either HINT_RANGE or HINT_RANGE_STEP for this to take effect.

int min = 0

  • void set_min ( int value )

  • int get_min ( )

The minimum value this parameter can take. hint must be either HINT_RANGE or HINT_RANGE_STEP for this to take effect.

int step = 1

  • void set_step ( int value )

  • int get_step ( )

The step between parameter's values. Forces the parameter to be a multiple of the given value. hint must be HINT_RANGE_STEP for this to take effect.