Android in-app purchases¶
Godot offers a first-party GodotGooglePlayBilling
Android plugin compatible with Godot 3.2.2 and higher.
This plugin uses the Google Play Billing library
instead of the now deprecated AIDL IAP implementation. For details of how to migrate from the older
, see the migration guide: Migrating from Godot 3.2.1 and lower (GodotPaymentsV3).
If you learn better by looking at an example, you can find the demo project here.
Getting started¶
Make sure you have enabled and successfully set up Android Custom Builds.
Follow the compiling instructions on the GodotGooglePlayBilling
github page.
If you use a custom build you possibly have to put your own godot-lib.***.release.aar file in the ./godot-google-play-billing/libs/ folder.
Then put the files ./godot-google-play-billing/build/outputs/aar/GodotGooglePlayBilling.***.release.aar and ./GodotGooglePlayBilling.gdap into your project in the res://android/plugins folder.
The plugin should now show up in the Android export settings, where you can enable it.
Initialize the plugin¶
To use the GodotGooglePlayBilling
Obtain a reference to the
singletonConnect handlers for the plugin signals
Initialization example:
var payment
func _ready():
if Engine.has_singleton("GodotGooglePlayBilling"):
payment = Engine.get_singleton("GodotGooglePlayBilling")
# These are all signals supported by the API
# You can drop some of these based on your needs
payment.billing_resume.connect(_on_billing_resume) # No params
payment.connected.connect(_on_connected) # No params
payment.disconnected.connect(_on_disconnected) # No params
payment.connect_error.connect(_on_connect_error) # Response ID (int), Debug message (string)
payment.price_change_acknowledged.connect(_on_price_acknowledged) # Response ID (int)
payment.purchases_updated.connect(_on_purchases_updated) # Purchases (Dictionary[])
payment.purchase_error.connect(_on_purchase_error) # Response ID (int), Debug message (string)
payment.product_details_query_completed.connect(_on_product_details_query_completed) # Products (Dictionary[])
payment.product_details_query_error.connect(_on_product_details_query_error) # Response ID (int), Debug message (string), Queried SKUs (string[])
payment.purchase_acknowledged.connect(_on_purchase_acknowledged) # Purchase token (string)
payment.purchase_acknowledgement_error.connect(_on_purchase_acknowledgement_error) # Response ID (int), Debug message (string), Purchase token (string)
payment.purchase_consumed.connect(_on_purchase_consumed) # Purchase token (string)
payment.purchase_consumption_error.connect(_on_purchase_consumption_error) # Response ID (int), Debug message (string), Purchase token (string)
payment.query_purchases_response.connect(_on_query_purchases_response) # Purchases (Dictionary[])
print("Android IAP support is not enabled. Make sure you have enabled 'Custom Build' and the GodotGooglePlayBilling plugin in your Android export settings! IAP will not work.")
The API must be in a connected state prior to use. The connected
signal is sent
when the connection process succeeds. You can also use isReady()
to determine if the plugin
is ready for use. The getConnectionState()
function returns the current connection state
of the plugin.
Return values for getConnectionState()
# Matches BillingClient.ConnectionState in the Play Billing Library
enum ConnectionState {
DISCONNECTED, # not yet connected to billing service or was already closed
CONNECTING, # currently in process of connecting to billing service
CONNECTED, # currently connected to billing service
CLOSED, # already closed and shouldn't be used again
Query available items¶
Once the API has connected, query SKUs using querySkuDetails()
. You must successfully complete
a SKU query before calling the purchase()
or queryPurchases()
or they will return an error. querySkuDetails()
takes two parameters: an array
of SKU name strings, and a string specifying the type of SKU being queried.
The SKU type string should be "inapp"
for normal in-app purchases or "subs"
for subscriptions.
The name strings in the array should match the SKU product ids defined in the Google Play Console entry
for your app.
Example use of querySkuDetails()
func _on_connected():
payment.querySkuDetails(["my_iap_item"], "inapp") # "subs" for subscriptions
func _on_product_details_query_completed(product_details):
for available_product in product_details:
func _on_product_details_query_error(response_id, error_message, products_queried):
print("on_product_details_query_error id:", response_id, " message: ",
error_message, " products: ", products_queried)
Query user purchases¶
To retrieve a user's purchases, call the queryPurchases()
function passing
a string with the type of SKU to query. The SKU type string should be
for normal in-app purchases or "subs"
for subscriptions.
The query_purchases_response
signal is sent with the result.
The signal has a single parameter: a Dictionary with
a status code and either an array of purchases or an error message.
Only active subscriptions and non-consumed one-time purchases are
included in the purchase array.
Example use of queryPurchases()
func _query_purchases():
payment.queryPurchases("inapp") # Or "subs" for subscriptions
func _on_query_purchases_response(query_result):
if query_result.status == OK:
for purchase in query_result.purchases