
Inherits: Resource < RefCounted < Object

Configuration for properties to synchronize with a MultiplayerSynchronizer.



enum ReplicationMode:


Do not keep the given property synchronized.


Replicate the given property on process by constantly sending updates using unreliable transfer mode.


Replicate the given property on process by sending updates using reliable transfer mode when its value changes.

Method Descriptions

void add_property ( NodePath path, int index=-1 )

Adds the property identified by the given path to the list of the properties being synchronized, optionally passing an index.

Note: For details on restrictions and limitations on property synchronization, see MultiplayerSynchronizer.

NodePath[] get_properties ( ) const

Returns a list of synchronized property NodePaths.

bool has_property ( NodePath path ) const

Returns whether the given path is configured for synchronization.

int property_get_index ( NodePath path ) const

Finds the index of the given path.

ReplicationMode property_get_replication_mode ( NodePath path )

Returns the replication mode for the property identified by the given path. See ReplicationMode.

bool property_get_spawn ( NodePath path )

Returns whether the property identified by the given path is configured to be synchronized on spawn.

bool property_get_sync ( NodePath path )

Returns whether the property identified by the given path is configured to be synchronized on process.

Deprecated. Use property_get_replication_mode instead.

bool property_get_watch ( NodePath path )

Returns whether the property identified by the given path is configured to be reliably synchronized when changes are detected on process.

Deprecated. Use property_get_replication_mode instead.

void property_set_replication_mode ( NodePath path, ReplicationMode mode )

Sets the synchronization mode for the property identified by the given path. See ReplicationMode.

void property_set_spawn ( NodePath path, bool enabled )

Sets whether the property identified by the given path is configured to be synchronized on spawn.

void property_set_sync ( NodePath path, bool enabled )

Sets whether the property identified by the given path is configured to be synchronized on process.

Deprecated. Use property_set_replication_mode with REPLICATION_MODE_ALWAYS instead.

void property_set_watch ( NodePath path, bool enabled )

Sets whether the property identified by the given path is configured to be reliably synchronized when changes are detected on process.

Deprecated. Use property_set_replication_mode with REPLICATION_MODE_ON_CHANGE instead.

void remove_property ( NodePath path )

Removes the property identified by the given path from the configuration.