
Inherits: Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Inherited By: AspectRatioContainer, BoxContainer, CenterContainer, EditorProperty, FlowContainer, GraphElement, GridContainer, MarginContainer, PanelContainer, ScrollContainer, SplitContainer, SubViewportContainer, TabContainer

Base class for all GUI containers.


Base class for all GUI containers. A Container automatically arranges its child controls in a certain way. This class can be inherited to make custom container types.





1 (overrides Control)



pre_sort_children ( )

Emitted when children are going to be sorted.

sort_children ( )

Emitted when sorting the children is needed.



Notification just before children are going to be sorted, in case there's something to process beforehand.


Notification for when sorting the children, it must be obeyed immediately.

Method Descriptions

PackedInt32Array _get_allowed_size_flags_horizontal ( ) virtual const

Implement to return a list of allowed horizontal SizeFlags for child nodes. This doesn't technically prevent the usages of any other size flags, if your implementation requires that. This only limits the options available to the user in the Inspector dock.

Note: Having no size flags is equal to having Control.SIZE_SHRINK_BEGIN. As such, this value is always implicitly allowed.

PackedInt32Array _get_allowed_size_flags_vertical ( ) virtual const

Implement to return a list of allowed vertical SizeFlags for child nodes. This doesn't technically prevent the usages of any other size flags, if your implementation requires that. This only limits the options available to the user in the Inspector dock.

Note: Having no size flags is equal to having Control.SIZE_SHRINK_BEGIN. As such, this value is always implicitly allowed.

void fit_child_in_rect ( Control child, Rect2 rect )

Fit a child control in a given rect. This is mainly a helper for creating custom container classes.

void queue_sort ( )

Queue resort of the contained children. This is called automatically anyway, but can be called upon request.