
Inherits: Container < Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Inherited By: HBoxContainer, VBoxContainer

A container that arranges its child controls horizontally or vertically.


A container that arranges its child controls horizontally or vertically, rearranging them automatically when their minimum size changes.





add_spacer ( bool begin )

Theme Properties


enum AlignmentMode:

AlignmentMode ALIGNMENT_BEGIN = 0

The child controls will be arranged at the beginning of the container, i.e. top if orientation is vertical, left if orientation is horizontal (right for RTL layout).

AlignmentMode ALIGNMENT_CENTER = 1

The child controls will be centered in the container.

AlignmentMode ALIGNMENT_END = 2

The child controls will be arranged at the end of the container, i.e. bottom if orientation is vertical, right if orientation is horizontal (left for RTL layout).

Property Descriptions

AlignmentMode alignment = 0

The alignment of the container's children (must be one of ALIGNMENT_BEGIN, ALIGNMENT_CENTER, or ALIGNMENT_END).

bool vertical = false

  • void set_vertical ( bool value )

  • bool is_vertical ( )

If true, the BoxContainer will arrange its children vertically, rather than horizontally.

Can't be changed when using HBoxContainer and VBoxContainer.

Method Descriptions

Control add_spacer ( bool begin )

Adds a Control node to the box as a spacer. If begin is true, it will insert the Control node in front of all other children.

Theme Property Descriptions

int separation = 4

The space between the BoxContainer's elements, in pixels.