Inherits: Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object
An input field for single-line text.
LineEdit provides an input field for editing a single line of text. It features many built-in shortcuts that are always available (Ctrl here maps to Cmd on macOS):
Ctrl + C: Copy
Ctrl + X: Cut
Ctrl + V or Ctrl + Y: Paste/"yank"
Ctrl + Z: Undo
Ctrl + ~: Swap input direction.
Ctrl + Shift + Z: Redo
Ctrl + U: Delete text from the caret position to the beginning of the line
Ctrl + K: Delete text from the caret position to the end of the line
Ctrl + A: Select all text
Up Arrow/Down Arrow: Move the caret to the beginning/end of the line
On macOS, some extra keyboard shortcuts are available:
Cmd + F: Same as Right Arrow, move the caret one character right
Cmd + B: Same as Left Arrow, move the caret one character left
Cmd + P: Same as Up Arrow, move the caret to the previous line
Cmd + N: Same as Down Arrow, move the caret to the next line
Cmd + D: Same as Delete, delete the character on the right side of caret
Cmd + H: Same as Backspace, delete the character on the left side of the caret
Cmd + A: Same as Home, move the caret to the beginning of the line
Cmd + E: Same as End, move the caret to the end of the line
Cmd + Left Arrow: Same as Home, move the caret to the beginning of the line
Cmd + Right Arrow: Same as End, move the caret to the end of the line
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