
Inherits: AudioEffect < Resource < RefCounted < Object

Inherited By: AudioEffectBandLimitFilter, AudioEffectBandPassFilter, AudioEffectHighPassFilter, AudioEffectHighShelfFilter, AudioEffectLowPassFilter, AudioEffectLowShelfFilter, AudioEffectNotchFilter

Adds a filter to the audio bus.


Allows frequencies other than the cutoff_hz to pass.




enum FilterDB:

FilterDB FILTER_6DB = 0

FilterDB FILTER_12DB = 1

FilterDB FILTER_18DB = 2

FilterDB FILTER_24DB = 3

Property Descriptions

float cutoff_hz = 2000.0

  • void set_cutoff ( float value )

  • float get_cutoff ( )

Threshold frequency for the filter, in Hz.

FilterDB db = 0

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

float gain = 1.0

  • void set_gain ( float value )

  • float get_gain ( )

Gain amount of the frequencies after the filter.

float resonance = 0.5

  • void set_resonance ( float value )

  • float get_resonance ( )

Amount of boost in the frequency range near the cutoff frequency.